
  2010 - 2011

Once Again Tamarack Tower Foundation gave $2,000 for each of our public schools totaling $14,000. 

The following is the list of Grants for each school:

Middle School - Program called :"Rachel's Challenge" was brought to the school.  It is an anti-bullying program, named for the 1st student killed at Columbine.

Park Avenue - a public address system for outdoor use

J.F.Kennedy/ELC - Victoria Reichberg (Acting Principal) of ELC has been given both grants from JFK by Lou Cuglietto because he received $4000 last year for the Nutrition Gardens.

High School - 1 flat screen computer/tv monitor, 1 external hard drive and 1 digital camera. (Digitizing all plaques, awards, trophies that are currently in storage or on display and then using images to establish a digital scrapbook that would be displayed on a computer/tv monitor as a "Wall of Fame"

Edison - 3 projectors to be used with smart boards in the classrooms

King Street - 1 flat screen TV for use in their auditorium

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